The “Ole Dogz” are a group of elderly but active gentlemen with common interests and are appropriately named. Among our interests is fishing. As youngsters growing up in central Missouri we were exposed to every possible form of fresh water fishing. We fished in small creeks, ponds and lakes with worms, crickets and grasshoppers. We fished in larger streams and rivers with dough bait, live bait, artificial bait and cotton seed cake. And we still fish those creeks, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers, using our time-tested methods and baits-except one. 

All of us enjoy trot lining but we can’t get cotton seed cake like they use to have. We used to buy slabs of cake at the local feed mill. It was a pain to saw, drill, and thread on our hooks, but it caught fish. After trying everything on the local market and searching the internet and trying all types of cotton seed cake being offered, we found nothing with the staying power of the old slab bait on our lines and found the shipped cake to be cracked and crumbled. 


We were determined to come up with a cotton seed cake with the staying power of the old cake while eliminating the mess of sawing and drilling before going fishing. After numerous efforts with different formulas using cotton seed meal, oils and binders, we have developed a bait that that fills the bill on all counts and catches fish. The cakes are conveniently scored to eliminate sawing and holes are pre-drilled and ready to string on the staging. All cakes are vacuum packed to maintain freshness before use and eliminates crumbling during shipment and handling. All ingredients are natural and environmentally friendly.

We have partnered with the Pork for the Pantry program to donate all net profits of Ole Dogz Classic Fish Bait to help provide a much needed protein source to food pantries in the Mid-Missouri area. Learn more about the cause.


If you’re not catching 'em with “Ole Dogz” bait, you better move your lines or sharpen your hooks!